How I Fell in Love With Badugi Poker


I had been playing Texas hold 'em for about 6 to 8 months online before I came across the poker game badugi. I first played the game of badugi poker as I entered a freeroll tournament at one of the online poker rooms I play in almost daily. Once the tournament started I realize that it wasn't a Texas hold 'em freeroll tournament. So I did what any Texas hold 'em player would do in my position; Bluff the pants off my opponents. I started to control my table for the first 20 minutes before they realize I was bluffing almost all my hands. It did come down to a few showdowns but I won the hands and didn't know how I won.

At this point I am starting to lose my big chip stack. So I folded a hand and quickly Google the rules for badugi poker. I learned that the best hand was 1, 2, 3, 4, all off suit. After I learned this I came back to my table ready to take down the tournament. Well that wasn't the case of course being a new badugi poker player. I came back to the table playing better then I did bluffing every hand. I couldn't believe how easy this poker game was and wondering why it's not popular as the other poker games.

While all of this is going through my head, I just lost about 3 4ths of my chip stack. I had to look over the hands to understand how I lost that hand. I had 6, 4, 3, 2, all off suit so I had badugi. This is called a 6 badugi. My opponent won the hand with 5, 4, 3, 2, all off suit. This is called a 5 badugi. Remember, the lowest hand wins. So I lost that hand by one point or one card. I was focus on winning all of my chips back and more. I wanted that guy out of the tournament for taking my chips.

Feeling like this I fail to realize that the big blind is now higher than my whole chip stack. The big blind came my way and now I am all in with one of the worst badugi's in the game. I have a J high badugi. I thought to myself, I had risk this hand by trying to get a lower badugi or let the hand ride out and hope that I am the only one with badugi. So I let the hand ride out only to lose to an 8 high badugi.

How to Discover Gambling Joy in Yourself

How to Discover Gambling Joy in Yourself
Like playing any other game, casino playing is always a normal game which takes a toll on the player's mindset while he or she continues to play with it in a normal course of time. When you happen to get addicted to the thrill and fun of playing casino and the gambling joy, you would not like to stop it anymore and once when people happen to conquer you with the casino games, you would certainly feel that you are no more a good casino player and eventually, you would happen to hate the whole life of yours.
While this is the thing which usually happens with the casino players, there are also other ways in which one can easily tackle this problem in the best possible way. During the normal way of playing casino games, one needs to simply travel to the casino place where you can interact with several other people and play your game. While still this remains to be the best way in which one can retain his or her gambling joy, it's anyway better for those who get completely turned off by their failures to stop going for live casinos and make use of the online casinos.
Whenever you are about to gamble or try with playing the game of casinos, you must always think of some good working strategies and techniques which can actually help you in safeguarding yourself as everyone knows that gambling is nothing but a game of chance. So at this juncture, if you always love to discover the right gambling joy in yourself, you must always make it a point to make sure that you adopt some good techniques to help you out for ensuring best in class gambling.
Almost everyone tries gambling mainly for the money it gives and the thrill and fun are considered secondary. While this sounds good, this has also been the real reason for people to get addicted to the game in the hope of making hell a lot of money. One must not do gambling just for the money it provides. A game can be taken in a sporty way only if one happens to enjoy its thrill and fun and consider it the first option and criterion for playing a game.
With the rising advancements and exclusive enhancements in the field of internet and computers, there have been several ways in which one can actually enjoy the gambling joy. As primarily, the emergence of internet has paved a large way for people to try the casino gaming, it has also stimulated many other age groups of people to try the thrill and fun associated with the game of casinos. Although many simply believe that the whole game of gambling is your pure luck and fortune, in the case of online casino playing which is expected to provide gambling joy, one can excel and play well if he or she has the will and power to execute analytical skills in the best way possible.

Is Roulette Betting Strategy Still Working in Winning Mini Roulette?

Mini Roulette is quite a similar roulette game to American or European Roulette. However, it's a fully functioning game. There are four major differences when comparing it to traditional roulette: wheel size, total number slots on a wheel, winning odds and amount of payouts.
The wheel: Comparing to traditional roulette wheel, Mini Roulette wheel has fewer slots: twelve numbered slots plus a zero slot. And some of its payouts are different from traditional wheels of course. For example, any normal 2 to 1 payouts in American or European Roulette pay 3 to 1 in Mini; Straight up bets pay out at 11 to 1 in Mini. However payouts for odds, evens, reds and blacks are the same as well as the ranges 1 to 6, 4 to 9 and 7 to 12.
Better payouts? Probably. Those online Mini Roulette games tend to set higher than average maximum table limit. You will find most of them have $75 to as high as $500 max table limit. While traditional roulette table limit has $25 to $100 as maximum. The higher the table limit, the easier for players to push the boundaries to win or win back, which means the winning chances are higher.
How to choose a game: If you never play Mini Roulette game, it's a better idea to try out some free game first. Because you will find out that your old roulette strategies or systems seem not so useful in winning Mini Roulette any more. You might want to find some specific roulette strategy, system or software to play that small wheel game.
One thing in common for both traditional larger wheel and small wheel, is that they are games of chances. No one could win without losing any money. You could have either a really good day, or not. Even some really good roulette strategy system software could win you some money from time to time, it could never guarantee you win all the time. However it maybe helpful to increase your winning chances.
If you are new to the game, you better get yourself familiar with it before placing your bets on the table. Learn all the details of that game, including casino terms and rules for that Mini roulette game. Also keep an eye on the amount of payout the table is paying for various bets because this does vary according to the type of Roulette you are playing.

Does the Andrucci Roulette System Work?

Roulette is without a doubt a game loved by many casino gamblers. Some are attached to it simply because of how thrilling and exciting it can be, especially during that heart-stopping spin when everyone has their fingers crossed, hoping their bets will win. Others meanwhile are out for the money. Roulette is a game that's pretty easy to win, and cases as the latter can't really be helped.
Now some of those who want to profit from roulette have developed systems aiming to beat the game. While many of these systems have strong mathematical bases, there are still those that straightforwardly play with chance. The Andrucci roulette system can be classified as one among such systems.
The Andrucci roulette system is said to be based on the chaos theory. Basically, this betting strategy works on the principle that in the long run, every single number in the roulette wheel will come up with the same frequency. For the short term however, the ball will land on one or a few numbers on the wheel more times than it would on all the others. Such are aptly labeled as "lucky" numbers, and the Andrucci system is created to figure out just what number it is and eventually exploit it.
To play using the Andrucci system, you first have to take up the role of a spectator and observe the trends on the wheel for thirty spins. Remember, or better yet, record all the results. Note which numbers frequently win during that period, as well as those that never came up at all. Once done, select your bet among these lucky and no-show numbers. Wager a single bet on that specific number for 30 to 35 rounds, pray and hope that the spin results arrive at it at least once.
Does this particular betting system work however? Some gamblers will attest to its effectiveness, but the truth is that it is mathematically impossible to win with the Andrucci. The lack of mathematical backing aside, another reason is that roulette is totally random. It's impossible for certain numbers to come up more often than everything else present on the roulette wheel. Those that seemingly appeared lucky are no more than a product of coincidence, if the wheel you happen to be playing on is not a biased one. These coincidences in turn are very hard to spot and will take a lot of luck to simply run into, let alone to correctly bet on one.
In spite of this, the Andrucci roulette system can be useful when you are trying to detect biased roulette wheels. These wheels are a staple of casinos and are rigged to favor the casino more than regular wheels do. Significantly increasing the number of observations done before betting can give you better data, helping you pick out which numbers the wheel is biased to a lot easier.
To conclude, it is not advisable to use the Andrucci system if you're aiming to win in roulette, unless you're aiming to bet on biased wheels. By default, this strategy can be said as no more than blind betting but with a method.

Tips on How to Effectively Use Your Spread Betting System

The basic fact is that an effective spread betting system has the potential to help you make loads of money. This can be an awesome investment in case you are a novice. But as there are certain high risks involved, it is not uncommon for beginners to not understand how a betting system ought to be used, which is why they end up losing loads of money and have no way to get it back.
Given below are certain tips that would help such individuals use their systems efficiently and avoid making silly mistakes:
For starters, it is necessary for beginners to move forward with a bit of caution. If you are wondering how this can be done, just start with making small bets and do not jump into bigger ones right away. After the first few bets when you have a bit of experience, start increasing the amount gradually.
You need to acknowledge the fact that there is not just a single betting technique that you should master. There are loads of things about betting that you must learn about. Irrespective of the kind of wagers that you are interested in, it is best for you to learn every single thing about that particular method and then move on to others.
The next thing that you need to do is pay attention to a single market and not focus on too many at the same time. The term spread betting in no way means that you should spread out your sight. It is necessary for you to master a single type of investment and then focus on other kinds. The major reason why a majority of beginners lose a lot of money is that they focus on too many things at a single time.
You need to accept the fact that it is necessary for you to have extra cash at hand for trade money. The losses that you are definitely going to experience in the beginning would easily be absorbed if you have a large cache. For this reason, you must not bet more than your fixed cache or there is a good chance that you would lose all of your cash.
The final tip for you here is to set limits on your spread betting system. Focus on the maximum limit of your cache and make sure that you do not spend it all out. If you bet limitlessly, than you ought to ascertain that you are richer than the president of your country to be able to bear all those losses.

Holdem Lesson - A Quick Lesson on Betting Strategy

This is a quick Holdem lesson on betting strategy. Betting is the single biggest factor you have control over to win a game of Texas Holdem.
Holdem Lesson On Betting #1 - When
It's important when you bet in Holdem. Bottom line is you want to be betting when you think you will win, and not betting when you don't think you will win.
When you get dealt good cards, bet! If you have bad cards, don't bet. Don't bother betting after the flop if you didn't hit the flop. You should only continue betting without hitting the flop if you are going for a draw.
Holdem Lesson On Betting #2 - Where
It's important where you are when you bet. It's preferable to be in later position when doing your bets. This is because you have the advantage of making your move after the others.
If you are in early position and bet you'll often find someone comes over the top of you. You don't want to bet in this situation unless you have great cards. On the other hand, when you are in later positions you can see how everyone else bets. If they raise too much and you don't want to play just fold.
Holdem Lesson On Betting #3- Why
You should always have a reason to bet. There are many reasons to raise. Don't raise without a reason.
One Reason - You have good cards
Another Reason - No one else has bet and you are trying to scare them
Advanced Reason - You want to force bad pot odds
Betting, how much you bet and when, is the biggest factor you personally have to change the outcome of the game. This quick Holdem lesson covered the main areas of betting.

Spread Betting For a Living

Spread Betting for a living can certainly be a daunting prospect especially when you first start out. The initial learning phase involved in spread betting or any other form of trading is arguably the most important phase of all. It's the time when you will develop yourself and train to become the trader you ultimately want to be. This initial phase will be when you are most likely to give up and walk away never to return. If however, you can make it through this phase you should be well on your way to spread betting for a living. I have compiled my Top 5 tips to help you get through this first phase.
Tip 1. Learn to Master Yourself
In my view this is the most important step to becoming successful enough to spread bet for a living. You will need to get your emotions in check if you are going to make a success of trading. Do not get emotionally involved with the trades you make. Plan each end every trade you make and trade that plan. Do not deviate from it as this will mean you are emotionally involved with the trade. As soon as you become emotionally involved you are almost guaranteed to lose. Your emotions will see you holding out for more and more profits only to see them disappear or become a loss. It will see you holding onto a loss only to see that loss get bigger and bigger. If this sounds like you then you need to master yourself before you continue to trade.
Tip 2. Develop your Spread Betting Strategy
A spread betting strategy of some kind is a must if you want to keep your emotions in check. It should govern everything about your trade. It should indicated when to enter, where to place your stop loss, if and when to move your stop loss, when to exit the trade, what your position size should be. The list goes on and it's important that you recognise that in order to succeed you will need a strategy in place.
Tip 3. Start Small and Build
No one that is successful in trading has started out in a big way. They started small and have built from there. Some people advocate the use of demo accounts to test out your trading before you start for real. I personally don't like this idea. When you have fake money you will not trade with the discipline you would if the money was real. Therefore I think spread betting with small stakes is the best way to start. There are some companies out there that allow you to start trading with as little as A�0.10 per point for the first few weeks. I would suggest you make good use of this and use it to develop and test the trading strategy that you employ.
Tip 4. Read Plenty of Books
Your spread betting education is essential if you want to get on with spread betting. There are numerous courses you can go on some more expensive than others but I think one of the best ways is to teach yourself. There are some home study courses out there and there are also plenty of books. Do some searching read some reviews and then get learning. I think you might be surprised just how much learning it takes to make a success of spread betting.
Tip 5. Learn from Others Experiences
In my opinion plenty of experience is required to spread bet for a living. The thing is how can you get experience if you've never spread bet before? Well the answer is you can't but, what you can do is learn from the experiences of others. These days with an ever expanding wealth of information on the internet you will find all sorts of traders that share their experiences on blogs and forums. All you need to do is dig around and find the ones you like.